Sunday, August 30, 2015

New School, New Room, New Theme!

Wow!  There are a lot of new things so far this year for me!  I moved to a different building, set up a new room and changed my classroom theme!  

I moved to a different building in my district to take a half day kindergarten position.  Yes, we still have half day!!  I only have a morning class, so I am part time!  What will I do with all my free time?  I plan on spending  more time with my family.  This will be the last year we are all under one roof!  That sounds so strange to write out!  My oldest will be heading off to college next fall.  Time just goes so fast, so I hope to slow down a bit this year and enjoy my family to the fullest!  

So over the summer I worked on setting up my new room with a lot of help from family and friends!  I am really happy at how it turned out!  I am wild about my new monster theme! Take a look!