Saturday, September 20, 2014

Math Baskets

We have now completed our first week of Math Baskets!  What fun!  The kids are loving them.  During PWX Math the kids complete one math basket each day.  Depending on our week we will have math baskets 4 days a week.  Math baskets are a great way for students to apply the math skills we've been working on by using hands on manipulatives.  The skills we worked on this week were number recognition, counting, one to one correspondence, sorting and classifying.  

Last May I went to a Kim Adsit (from Kindergals) workshop and I loved how she did her Math Centers and how she called her groups families.  I just knew I had to do that too!  Thanks Kim!  I have 4 families that complete one basket each day for 4 days.  During this time I can call students over to work with me for individualized or small group instruction.   This is an exciting time in the classroom.  Here are some photos of our math baskets.

Math baskets and a whole group lesson on sorting!
My Amazing Kinders are doing super!  I can't wait for our Apple Math Baskets next week!

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